Your Questions,
Our Answers.


Do you have any other products?
We do have other skincare products in the works! Be sure to check our social media feeds for our most recent updates.
Are your products for men only, or can women use them too?
Of course. Our products are designed with men’s needs in mind, but these are absolutely appropriate for use by women as well.
How much product should I use?
We recommend using 1-2 per usage, and applying the serum during the day and evening. The serum should only be applied on a clean face.
Is your serum TSA-friendly?
Our serum abides by TSA guidelines, and can easily be included by their “3-1-1” rule.
Is your serum paraben-free and non-toxic?
Our products are paraben-free, and have been through stringent testing to be free of any toxic materials.
Is your serum vegan?
Yes; our serum is made from plants, minerals, and safe synthetic materials. We do not include any animal-derived ingredients or by-products in our products, and we do not test on animals.
Do you test on animals?
Absolutely not. Every Carter Mint product is cruelty-free.

Orders and Returns

Where can I get in touch with customer service?
Email us at, and we will be sure to reply back to you shortly.
What is your return / refund policy?
We will give you a full refund within 30 days of your purchasing date. For returns, once we receive your returned item, we will issue a refund back; please note that refunds can take up to 3 business days to show up in your account.
How can I check the status of my order?
You can receive the most updated information by logging into your Carter Mint account, and clicking the “Orders” button on your account page.


How long will it take for my order to arrive?
How much does shipping cost?
Nunc volutpat ipsum neque, quis lacinia ante convallis sed. Donec iaculis ut urna vel tempor. Suspendisse consequat consequat ex. Donec nec ex ultricies, ornare mauris sit amet, fermentum mi
Where does Carter Mint ship to?
Donec sed tempor ligula. Cras id neque dui. Vestibulum porttitor, ligula in gravida tempus, nunc orci elementum nisl, eu tempus nisi est id arcu. Phasellus quis gravida libero. Etiam ex massa, hendrerit sit amet diam quis, fermentum imperdiet metus. Ut et malesuada arcu.